Saturday, January 12, 2019

What do we mean by motivation?


You must be aware that it is not always easy to satisfy the needs. You must have a variety of needs at a tim. We all face certain difficulties in our attempts to satisfy the needs. We sometimes meet with failures. Also many obstacles prevent us from reaching the goals. When our needs are not satisfied, we get frustrateb.
Frustrationis the feeling within an individual of being blocked in the attempts to satisfy needs which one considers significant. Frustration refers to the blocking of behaviour directed towards a goal. An individual displays  some sort of disturbed behaviour when he or she is prevented form fulfilling the desired goals. If motives are frustrated or blocked, the person may feels anxious, depressed or angry. For exampl, if you want to go to a movie or want to play and your parents refuse permission, you may  show some kind of disturbed behaviour such as anger and shouting. Frustration often leads to aggression directed towards to source of fruutration.
Generally there are three main sources of frustration. These are as follows:
(I) Environmental Forces: The environmental factors can frustrate the satisfaction of motives. The obstacle may be physical such as lack of money or a road block. They may be social. For instance, yours parents, teachers or classmates may prevent you from doing something what you want to do.
(ii) Personal Factors or Limitations: They make goals unattainable and produce frustration. The personal inadequacy may be either physical or psycholgical. The personal characteristics of indivdual  like personality or intelligence affect performance. The limitations of ability frustrate individuals because they do not let him achieve very high goals. At times we have conflicting goals which create frustration.
(iii) Conflict: A conflict is a situation in which an individual is required to act in two or more oncompatible ways to achieve two or more exclusive goals. It occurs when an individual is unable to choose between two or more goals.
We all confront some degree of conflict in every stage of our life. We sometimes face a situation where we are supposed to choose between two or more alternatives. For examples, we may have to decide whether to buy a book or go to a movie. On the one hand, you may likes to play and get company of your friends, and on the other,if you study for the examination you may be successful in the exams. The motive to play and get the company of the friend is thus in conflict with the  motive to be successful in examination. 

Types of Conflicts: There are three kinds of conflict which are called “approach-approach conflict”, “ avoidance conflict” and “approach- avoidance conflict”.
An approach- approach conflict is a situation when one has to choose between two positive and equally attractive goals. It is caused when we have two pleasurable goals within our reach. We have to choose one out of these two. The example of this kind of conflict may be found in a situation when you are offered admission to two equally attractive courses of study for higher education and you have to decide between them.
The second types of conflict is avoidance- avoidance conflict. It occurs when we have to decide between two equally undesirable and negative goals. For example, such a conflict may arise when you have to choose between goal that are equally disliked by you.
In approach- avoidance conflict, we are both attracted and repelled by the same goal. It arises when there are both desirable and undesirable feelings associated with a single goal. For example, you want to marry a girl to whom you love because your parents are not agreeable. You cannot marry her as you do not hurt your parents as well. This kind of conflict is most difficult to serve and brings emotional discomfort.


. Motivation refers to the driving and pulling forces which result in persistent behaviour directed towards a goal. The primary needs such as hunger, thirst and sex, have their origin in the physiological state of the body. Hunger may be, initiated when blood sugar level falls below certain point. A decrease in the volume of blood due to water loss causes to thirst. Sexual motivation depends on sex hormones.
.Socio-psychogenic motives such as need for power, affilation, achievement and approval are learnt motives and involve other people. The need for achievement is a motive to accomplish things and to be successful in performing tasks. Power motivation is a social motivation in which the goal is to influence, control, persuade, lead, charm others and enhance one”s own reputation in the eyes of these.
Intrinsic motives are those activities for which there is no apparent reward but one gets enjoyment and satisfaction in doing these activities. Competence is an intrinsic motivation. Self efficacy, life goals, and values held by people also

Works as sources of motivation. Motivation are often blocked or frustrated. The major sources of this frustration are environmental factors. Personal factors and conflict. Three types of conflicts are a ) approach-approach conflict b) avoidance conflict and c) approach- avoidance conflict.
1) Briefly explain the nature of motivation.
2) Explain the basic concepts of motivation.
3) What do you understand by primary needs? How are these different from socio- psychogenic needs?
4) What is self efficacy? Show its relationship with behaviour.
5) Define values and describe some important values.
6) What are the sources of frustration? Name the three kinds of conflict of motives.
B) motivation
C) not
D) behavoiur
2.Motivation is the process of activating, maintaining and directing behaviour towards a particular goal.
A) lack deficit    b) cognitive, and     c) objects
1) Maslow. The hierarchy is:
(I) physiological needs
(ii) Safety needs

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